“O” week went very well across all our campuses. I really want to thank all of those involved, in particular thanks to Mary and her team from the Student Centres. It was great to catch up with so many new students. We are really very privileged to be able to partner with people who are working so hard for their future.
The highlight of “O” week for me was meeting with parents on Tuesday evening. The evening was a chance for parents to ask questions about their children going to University. I have to admit that I could have answered about 1% of the questions. Thank goodness the staff from the Student Centres were there with all the right answers. I think I learnt more than any of the parents!
This was the week that the medical imaging (radiogrpahy and ultrasound) programs were launched. Cynthia Cowling has done a fantastic job in getting these programs ready. We are getting very positive feedback from the community about these programs. A lot of work has been done with the professional bodies and with the industry. These programs should give us about another 100 students next year in Mackay – this will pipeline up to 300-400 in the longer term. Great news!
Look out for more announcements of new programs in the very near future.
We are now really focusing on the preparation of the AUQA audit. We have already done a lot of work for this. In the next few days I will be announcing the structure and team that will take us on the final part of the journey to the audit. As I have said before we have a lot to be proud of and this is our big chance to show off all that is good in the University. It is also a chance to sort out anything that we could be doing better.
I hope that everyone will have done the Voice staff climate survey. I really want to know what you think of working for the University and how we can make things better – have your say!
Professor Qing-Long Han, Associate Dean of Research in FABIE, has been appointed a prestigious Chair by China’s Ministry of Education, the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) Scholar Chair Professor in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of Control Theory and Control Engineering. What fantastic news. There are very few of these appointments in Australia. This is just another example of how we are attracting the best people to our University.
Today I am interviewing for the DVC University Services and PVC Teaching and Learning. These will be very important positions in our team for making the University great.
Have a really great weekend and get ready for the first teaching week.
Interested to hear about the appointment of the Rockhampton Council head to a role at CQ-University
I hope for the staff's sake they are not subjected to another round of restructures and "change management", a known speciality of this fellow...
Dear Professor Bowman
has been a while since you posted,no doubt you are out doing good work for the university!
I have heard that there has been a lot of new appointments in the area of senior managers - DVCs, PVCs etc. I hope you have a clear vision for all these positions and that the Uni won't be weighed down by too much bureaucracy, but could you perhaps articulate your vision for these roles more widely? Many people are wondering where all these positions fit into the structural hierarchy of the Uni.
Voices survey was really great. When will the analysis be made available to staff?
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