When: 5.30pm AEST Wednesday 16 September

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Some quick comment - I am at home and very easily able to connect to the VC's presentation. Audio coming in loud and clear. I applaud the use of the technology and its execution. All good so far. Julie
In your overview, you talked about your job as a radiographer and your introduction to university and requirement for having a teacher qualification. You suggested we could learn from this history. Do you believe academics (lecturers/teaching staff) require a teaching qualification before engaging in student teaching?
Couldn't be there but watching at home. Looking forward to working with you and the staff at the uni for the benefit of industry in the region, and the region more generally.
Also good to see Richard Clegg getting some kudos!
Phil Henry
Director, Central Qld
Employment, Industry Development and Innovation
With the increasing reliance on technology.. moving forward what is your vision for supporting the efforts of staff to provide 24x7 services to students ?
please repeat the local Rockhampton Questions so we can hear them over the video link
Professor Bowman
As a staff member of a department in this university, the lack of resources, particularly human resources, has meant that we have had to withdraw the delivery of courses from term 3. This has reduced our capacity to grow our program along the lines that you have just suggested. How will we assist you to become a great university when we are not growing our human resourcing?
Question for the VC - how do we make CQUni more attractive as a place to work - for researchers particularly?
Will we look to offer more updated on campus accommodation to cater to those students who want to study in Rockhampton
What role do you think technology will play in terms of service delivery in a blended learning environment?
Notice that some of the campus buildings are quite old and tired - what are the plans for renewal?
I recently became aware of a Climate Change @ Work Brisbane: Creating the sustainable workplace Conference being held on the 29 October and thought this may be a good opportunity for the right person from CQUniversity to attend and become active on their return. The conference program can be found at http://wrc.org.au/documents/2009%20Climate%20Change%20Brisbane%20Program.pdf
In my view environmental sustainability and climate change is an opportunity for CQUniversity and an incumbent responsibility on the institution as a leader in the CQ community. In support of a ‘greener’ CQUniversity I make the following points for your consideration.
I support your belief in Power of Place and your openness to ideas outside the square. However, in addition to the more obvious geographical context in Power of Place, can I suggest, if not already implied, that there could also be a connection with time - the place in which we live is also at a particular time in history. Hence, it seems appropriate that the strengths of our location (Power of Place) address the challenges we face not only due to our location but also due to this unique time. In other words we are challenged to also read the 'signs of the times'. Apart from the more obvious and immediate challenge being to get the University back on track as a great regional university, can I suggest two other challenges that face the CQ region at this time in our history, and I believe would benefit the University if they were considered in the Renewal strategy; the first is environmental sustainability and climate change; and the second, I have mentioned in a previous email to you (and will post as another comment), is Reconciliation with the Indigenous people.
In relation to the environmental sustainability and climate change challenge CQ seems to be in the ‘middle of it’ more than others. Cohabiting with us in CQ is the Great Barrier Reef - one of the seven natural wonders of the world and jeopardized by global warming; then snaking, like a Queensland ‘backbone’ is the Bowen Basin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowen_Basin, http://www.bowenbasin.cqu.edu.au/basin_data/map.html coal ore body - coal being the major contributor to global warming. Also, being on the Tropic of Capricorn we have access to copious amounts of sun.
In considering climate events, it would be a mistaken view to think that the University is in some way quarantined from the climate changes that are impacting on the CQ community, and the world more broadly. In the recent past, prior to your arrival at CQUniversity the Mackay and Emerald campuses experienced extreme weather conditions resulting in extensive flood damage and costly repairs. We would be naïve to think that extreme weather conditions such as floods will not impact on us into the future.
My intention here is not to be critical but to see reality as it presents. In my view if CQUniversity can be seen to be taking on the challenges of our time then I think we will be a University more relevant to the CQ community including potential students. Students today especially the younger generation understand the need for environmental sustainability and climate change. A ‘greener’ CQUniversity would be more attractive to these potential students and if we provide leadership on these challenges the community would look to the University as a credible authority.
As an organization we have made attempts in the past (Greening CQU initiative) which seem to have stalled after developing policy – a common experience.
I believe looking at what these challenges could fit comfortably under the engagement strategy of the Renewal plan; however we also need to consider what they mean for the organization so that we lead by example.
Dan Coughlan
Lovely places, Mandy. Hopefully one day you will get to see them.
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